Staying Warm with a Turtleneck Sweater

There’s nothing more enchanting in the holiday season than making a snowman, while houses decked in Christmas lights light up the street. While it’s necessary to stay outside during a cold day to do so, the rewards make the person happy as they think of the joy of frosty the snowman and learn how to dole out a replica. Staying warm used to mean staying inside. It used to mean letting go of the idea of having winter fun and staying trapped inside by a nice, warm fire. Luckily, there’s…

Kareen Walsh Reveals Why 90% Of Businesses Fail

The collapse of businesses has been on the rise in the US. The Covid-19 and current inflation shocks have aggravated the problem. Entrepreneurs are counting losses due to the collapse of their ventures. The increased business collapses have worsened employee woes. Many have been sent packing when ventures fail. Can you cushion your venture from crushing? Kareen Zahr Walsh reveals the reasons behind the 90% collapse of startup businesses in the US. Misalignment of products to customers’ needs With the ongoing highest competition, only the fittest businesses survive. Generalization of…