Joy Ransom teaches English at Boston University, and she is beginning to despair of ever fully gaining her student’s attention during classroom instruction. The reason, as she sees it, is technology. “I have a rule that students must turn off their cell phones during class, and if they don’t and the class is interrupted by their cell phone ringing or sounding an alarm they have to read an extra 20 pages in whatever piece of literature we’re studying at the time. But in the end that’s counter-productive. I want my…
Technology to Save a Trip to the Doctor’s Office
You suspect you have high cholesterol, or want to know how fertile you and your spouse are. That means a trip to the doctor’s office, and then maybe a long wait. But new technology company EverlyWell is gearing up to help people make one less trip to the doctor by offering home test kits for things like lipids and lack of vitamin D. The kits are made of the latest lightweight recyclable plastic, and cost almost nothing to ship. The kits are mailed directly to the home address, with simple…
A Chip Off the Old Block . . .
Chip card technology is poised to take off in a big way, as more and more consumers come to understand the added levels of protection against fraud and hacking that this new and exciting technology offers. The National Business Association says that as of July of this year, over 88% of all Master Cards are chip enabled. And Visa says they have over 280 million chip cards in circulation as of right now. Why all the fuss? Easy. Chip cards are impossible to hack by traditional methods. Their technology is…
As Technology Changes, We May Do Better
Professor Erik Brinjolfsson, of the Icelandic Institute, believes his researches into how technology is affecting the current world economy bode well for everyone: “The internet continues to evolve in ways we could not have foreseen ten years ago. The technology to attend virtual classrooms or business meetings already exists and just needs a few finishing touches to be ready for students, teachers, and business people. Machines now see better than people, and can extrapolate megadata at speeds that will allow research to bloom as never before, and, better yet, give…
Reading the Dust of Ages
The researchers over at M.I.T. in Cambridge have come up with a startling new technological scheme to read documents and books that would otherwise remain unknown because they are too fragile to unroll or open. It is estimated that museums around the world have a total of more than one-hundred thousand documents and books that cannot now be examined, because to touch them would cause them to turn to instant dust. But a recent M.I.T. press releases claims the school has now developed an imaging system that can penetrate books…
New Radar Technology to Improve Tesla Autopilot Driving
After a number of crashes last year, Tesla Motor Company considered pulling back from the automatic pilot car. But they are now ready to overcome some of the challenges that still bedeviled the software of the electric car. Company press releases say that they will be relying on an advanced radar system to avoid such things as scrapping another car when it is over the lane line or crashing into an object that the car in front has swerved to avoid. The technology is not exactly new, having been around…
Cool Software Makes a Game out of Learning Piano
For centuries, the piano has been a beloved instrument in the world of music, used by both singer-songwriters and classical composers. Many people have learned to play the piano, some write their own songs, and most learn to perform their favorite music. Yet in the fast-paced modern world with its economic concerns, traditional piano lessons may consume too much time and money for some students. Thankfully, it is now possible to learn to play piano online with Playground Sessions, which is more affordable and flexible. This offers the benefits of…